"The Spirit Carries On" The answer of the new life after death


Where did we come from,
Why all we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?

They say, "Life is too short,"
"The here and the now"
And "You're only given one shot"
But could there be more,
Have I lived before,
Or could this be all that we've got?

If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
I'm not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend

I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try

If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

"Move on, be brave
Don't weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear"

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victoria's real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that I'm here
It's perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means

If I die tomorrow
I'd be all right
Because I believe
That after we're gone
The spirit carries on

"The Spirit Carries On" is one of the great song I have ever heard. The lyric is really showing the reality of life, that each human being will die soon or later. The song is also give us questions: What is the meaning of life? Why we are here? if life is short, why we must life? What happen after we die?
But the song is also make us believe that death is not the end for us. The death bring us to another life that any human being never see or imagine. Our spirit will carries on!

Pria-Pria dan Peri Cantik


Kemanakah perginya bayangan putih itu? Sial! Cepat sekali bayangan itu menghilang. Larinya secepat kilat menembus kegelapan hutan. Walaupun malam ini bukan bulan purnama dan bintang pun enggan memperlihatkan bintik cahayanya, biasanya bayangan tikus kecil pun tidak akan mampu lepas dari mataku. Bayangan putih itu, apakah itu yang di sebut dengan setan? Sudah banyak yang mengaku pernah mendapat penampakan hal-hal aneh pada malam hari, namun seumur-umur belum pernah aku melihat setan, genderuwo, pocong ... ahh.. hal semacam itulah. Saat ini aku berdiri di pinggir hutan yang terletak sekitar 3 kilometer di sebelah utara kampungku, tempat sepi yang mungkin sangat menakutkan bagi orang lain, tapi tidak untuku. Kemarin temanku Parjo mengaku mengalami hal aneh di tempat ini. Ada sesuatu yang membuatnya sangat ketakutan. Setahuku dia memang penakut, tapi besar juga nyalinya berani datang kemari. Begitu sangat ketakutannya, dia berlari pontang-panting seperti di kejar anjing gila, sampai-sampai seluruh kayu bakar yang telah dikumpulkanya tertinggal di tempat seram ini. Anehnya si Parjo pulang tanpa pakaian. Katanya, kaos dan celananya dirampas makhluk gaib penunggu tempat ini. Inilah yang membuatku sangat penasaran. Mungkin benar, mungkin Parjo melihat bayangan putih seperti yang aku lihat tadi.
Memang seram hutan ini, tempat ini membusuk dan mati hingga serangga pun enggan mengeluarkan bunyi, sangat sunyi senyap. Tempat ini seperti neraka. Bau busuk menyengat hidungku kuat sekali. Bau ini berasal dari tumbuhan mirip, mungkin sejenis dengan bunga bangkai, “turok wewe” orang desa biasa menyebutnya. Baunya seperti bau bangkai manusia yang sudah dikerumuni belatung-belatung pemakan mayat.
Di depanku ada sebuah pohon beringin, besar sekali. Ku arahkan lampu senter di sekitar tempat itu, di bawah pohon beringin itu, aa.. itu dia kayu bakarnya Parjo, berada di sela-sela akar pohon beringin, pakaianya juga. Aku heran, mengapa pakaian Parjo tertata rapi di atas akar pohon beringin ini? Apakah setan juga bisa melipat pakaian? Mungkin. Kata para orang tua dulu banyak terdapat pohon besar di sini, ada puluhan pohon beringin seperti ini. Sekarang tinggal satu yang masih tersisa. Waktu aku masih kecil butuh sekitar empat orang dewasa untuk memeluk batang pohon beringin yang satu ini, mungkin sekarang delapan orang dewasa pun masih kurang. Ribuan daun keringnya berserakan menutupi tanah sekitar, dahannya besar-besar dan kuat dengan akar-akar gantungnya yang terlihat kokoh menghunjam masuk ke dalam tanah. Pernah orang-orang desa berencana untuk menebang pohon ini, namun saat akan ditebang hal aneh terjadi. Tiga buah gergaji mesin yang telah disiapkan tiba-tiba macet tanpa sebab. Setelah diperiksa ternyata tidak ada yang rusak. Kata orang pintar di desa kami pohon ini ada penunggunya, dan dia tidak ingin diganggu. Setelah kejadian itu penduduk desa membiarkan pohon beringin ini tumbuh besar. Tempat ini pun jarang didatangi warga.
Aku masuk lebih ke dalam menembus akar-akar pohon ini, menembus semak-semak raksasa yang tidak pernah terjamah. Tiba tiba langkahku terhenti saat telingaku sayup-sayup mendengar sesuatu. Suara apa itu? Ku ikuti arah suara itu. Semakin ku mendekat semakin jelas suara itu. Itu adalah suara isak tangis seorang perempuan. Ada yang sedang menangis. Sampailah aku di belakang semak-semak, dari sini terlihat sebuah pohon Gayam besar yang menakutkan. Ku sibak semak-semak yang menutupi pandanganku. Ahh.. ha ternyata suara itu berasal dari tempat itu, dari bawah pohon Gayam itu. Samar-samar kulihat sosok berbaju putih sedang duduk. Aku berjalan mendekati sosok putih itu. Dia melihatku!
“Pergi kau, jangan mendekat!!” dia berteriak sambil menggeser tubuhnya mendekat ke batang pohon gayam itu.
“Hey siapa kau, manusiakah, setan atau kuntil anak? Kamukah bayangan putih yang berlari secepat kilat tadi?” ku beranikan diri untuk bertanya kepadanya. Aku berjalan mendekatinya. Oh ... ternyata dia sangat cantik sekali, tapi aku ragu kalau gadis ini manusia.
“Apa maumu membuntutiku? Mau apa kau manusia? Saya sudah kau hancurkan kemarin. Belum puaskah kau wahai manusia, menghancurkan kami, menodaiku....?” tersirat kemarahan sekaligus ketakutan dari raut mukanya.
“Bicara apa kau, apa yang telah aku lakukan padamu? Satu kali pun aku belum pernah ketemu dengan mu!” jawabku.
“Kalian manusia sama saja! Tidak ada yang baik! Manusia tidak lebih dari setan-setan munafik! Busuk!”
“Apa kau panggil aku manusia? Jadi benar kamu bukan manusia. Aku beritahu ya, tidak semua manusia jahat seperti setan. Saya datang dengan baik-baik, tidak berniat mengganggu siapapun di tempat ini.”
“Kemarin ada seorang manusia yang datang kemari, saat itu aku sedang tidur terlentang di bawah pohon beringin itu. Waktu aku tidak sadar, orang itu sudah mengambil kesucianku!!”
Heran aku, dari kemarin cuma Parjo yang datang kemari. Apakah dia yang melakukan ini? Tapi kayaknya tidak mungkin mengingat sifat Parjo yang penakut dan pemalu. Tapi mungkin saja benar. Hati dan pikiran manusia hanya Tuhan yang tahu...
“Apakah orang itu yang kemarin mencari kayu bakar dan meninggalkan pakaianya di bawah pohon beringin itu?”
“Dialah jahanam itu! Sewaktu aku tersadar dia telah berada di atas tubuhku, menelanjangiku. Aku berontak, aku terbang naik ke atas pohon. Saat dia mengetahui bahwa aku bukan manusia dia langsung lari terbirit-birit. Ku kejar orang itu, namun kekuatanku sudah habis. Aku terjatuh tidak berdaya.”
Dasar Parjo, kurang ajar sekali dia mecemarkan nama baik umat manusia. Paling tidak dia bertanggung jawab, ee... malah dia lari.
“Saya benar-benar minta maaf atas perbuatan bejat temanku. Saya akan menolongmu. Apa yang dapat saya perbuat untuk menolongmu?”
“Menolongku? Begitu baikah kamu? Setahuku manusia itu munafik, mulutnya mengeluarkan kata-kata manis yang membahagiakan, namun pada akhirnya selalu ada niat buruk di balik kebaikanya, hatinya busuk. Tahukah engkau manusia? Berpuluh tahun yang lalu tempat ini adalah tempat yang sangat indah sewaktu pohon pohon besar masih berdiri kokoh, burung-burung beterbangan dengan gembira, kabut-kabut putih masih mau turun membasahi tanah. Hutan ini dahulu adalah sebuah desa peri yang damai. Tapi sayang.... kalian datang merusak dan membunuh! Kalian menebangi rumah-rumah kami. Bangsaku mati perlahan-lahan. Saudara-saudaraku menghilang satu-persatu, mereka mati karena tidak punya energi untuk diserap. Tidak ada yang mampu menolong kami. Hutan ini sudah sekarat, energinya sudah habis karena kalian hancurkan. Sekarang tinggal aku sendiri disini, bagaimana kamu akan menolongku. Apakah kamu mampu membalikan keadaan seperti berpuluh tahun yang lalu?”
Peri cantik itu menangis terisak-isak membuatku terpaku, tidak mampu berkata apa-apa. Tapi bukan tangis dan ceritanya yang membuat mulutku terpaku .... Ku pandangi dia, sungguh sangat cantik sekali. Pantas saja Parjo tergiur untuk menjamah tubuhnya. Kulitnya putih kekuningan, tidak pucat, halus sekali. Rambutnya hitam lebat tergerai berkilauan memantulkan cahaya langit. Dia memiliki sepasang mata yang indah juga hidungnya, bibirnya mungil, dipadu dengan bentuk mukanya yang mirip buah mangga. Tubuhnya sangat mengundang gairah, dia diciptakan untuk menjadi sempurna. Kalau dia manusia pasti sudah saya ambil istri, tapi walaupun bukan manusia...
Memangnya apa yang bisa ku lakukan, ruang hidup untuk pohon-pohon besar di sini semakin sempit. Hanya inilah yang tersisa, semak-semak raksasa dan beberapa pohon besar. Bagaimana aku bisa menolongnya? Toh, menurut kabar angin sebentar lagi pemerintah akan membuat jalan raya antar kota yang melintasi hutan ini. Pastilah hutan ini hancur, tinggal cerita. Begitu jalan raya besar dibuka, tempat ini pun pasti akan segera diperebutkan oleh manusia-manusia serakah. Apakah peri ini harus ku bawa pulang dan ku tempatkan pada pohon besar belakang rumahku? Pun kalau dia mau ku bawa pulang.
“Tenagaku terkuras habis untuk berlari kemari menghindarimu. Sudah berulang kali aku mencoba naik ke atas pohon ini untuk memulihkan tenagaku, beberapa jam lagi aku pasti mati bila tidak segera naik pohon ini” peri itu berkata dengan lirih.
“Aku bisa membantumu naik ke pohon ini?”
“Baik, aku percaya padamu. Angkat aku ke atas! Angkat tubuhku sampai menyentuh dahan pertama pohon ini!”
Aku mendekat perlahan. Pelan-pelan aku menyentuhnya, tubuhnya ku angkat. Terlihat lehernya yang putih halus, semakin ke bawah, dadanya menonjol indah sekali, ku sentuh kakinya yang mulus. Tiba-tiba perasaanku bergejolak aku tidak sanggup menahanya. Ku turunkan dia. Ku lucuti seluruh pakaiannya, dia lemas sekali tidak berdaya. Kami telanjang. Dia berontak, berteriak, menjerit, menangis memecah kesunyian hutan. Kami bergumul di bawah pohon itu. Tiba-tiba sesuatu terjadi, dia berubah. Suara jeritanya berubah menjadi suara babi kesakitan. Tubuhnya bergetar berubah menjadi babi betina. Aku hampir tidak percaya akan apa yang kualami, tapi aku tidak dapat berhenti nafsu birahiku sudah terlalu tinggi, tak tertahankan untuk berhenti.***

Just Two Hours Contraction


His skin is white and smooth. His hair is black and thick. His face, of course, is very handsome like his father. The baby is extraordinarily funny. His name is Dominicus Fellicito Dofa Jati. He was born in January 18th, 2009. My family used to call him Migi. That name is taken from the name of a Javanese day, Mi is taken from Minggu (Sunday) and Gi is taken from the word Legi (one of Javanese days). On the other hand, my wife is angry when I call him Migi because she thinks the name is very old fashioned, only for old Javanese people in the past time. But for me, Migi is an out of the ordinary name. January 18th is also a special day for my family because that day is the birthday of my father. Therefore, next year my baby will celebrate his birthday together with his grandfather.
Actually, the doctor has predicted my son’s birthday, that he will be ready to be born in the beginning of February. However, God has His own plan. It begun at 04.00 in the early morning as my wife felt her first construction. She woke me up but I felt very lazy to open my eyes. Then suddenly, she shouted “Wake up! Hurry up! The baby wants to come out now!!.” It was the first time in my life. Because of that, I had no idea what to do next. For few seconds, I tried to calm myself. I rose up then grasped my mobile phone. I tried to call taxi and my neighbor to find a car, but no one answer my call. It was too long to wait and my wife couldn’t wait for any more minutes. Finally, she asked me to take my motorbike out. By my old motorbike, I took my wife to the nearest hospital. We arrived in the hospital around 5.15 am. The Nurse said that the baby is ready, so she took my wife to the birth room. Finally, after one hour struggling, the baby came out from his mother whom and came in to his new world. Many women said it was very difficult and hurt to give birth, but for my wife it is different. My wife only needed about two hours to give birth my baby. My neighbors and friends are questioning about that, how it come? Then I thought, maybe because during the pregnancy I always took her to take a walk for at least 3 kilos a day and visited many tourism objects in Jogjakarta. Therefore, I suggest for pregnant mother to do like what my wife did, don’t stay at home everyday.
The day before, brother of my grandmother passed away. My wife and I helped to prepare the funeral ceremony for the next day. We stayed there until 10pm. However, my wife felt nothing, no indication that the baby was ready to be born. In my big family, two of my aunty also gave birth on that January 18. So, 18 is really a special day for my family. God really give his bless for my big family. One man passed away but God give us three healthy and funny babies. Thanks to the Almighty

The Day of Jono


Malioboro is a famous street full of classy shops and restaurants, which are marching and facing each other, on the left and right. These luxury buildings stretch for about a one kilometer from the north to south. Half kilometer more to south there is a Palace; belong to the Sultan of Jogjakarta. This shopping place offers a great luxury for those who have a lot of money. The buildings are closely spaced, no space for street vendors except on the sidewalks. Here, capitalism makes money to become a crucial thing in life. Money means power and prosperity. Here the rule is for those who strong will survive. No money means any food to eat; you will die fast without money. Money also, brought Jono, unemployment, standing in front of one prestige shopping mall on the north side of Malioboro street.
“I must do it now or my family will not have meals for dinner tonight. This is the first time and maybe the last because maybe I will find a job tomorrow.” Said Jono quietly talking to himself. His eyes are staring to the crowd of people.
“Hey, do you want to buy something?” said the street vendor.
“Then, what are you doing here? Get lost!! You make my costumers leave.”
“I am sorry.”
Jono walked slowly. His eyes were looking for something. There in front of a seafood restaurant, he stopped. He saw an old woman, with a black leather bag hanging on her shoulder.
“Ok, this is easy, just an old lady, take the money quietly and go.” Jono speak to himself.
He came closer when the old women take a paper out from her bag and read it. Jono moved closer to her back, then he saw the old woman’s wallet in her bag. He looked around to make sure that no one would saw his act. By his right hand, he tried to take the wallet very carefully. Suddenly, the old woman turned around then faced him. His face turned to red and his hands trembling. The old woman begun to stared his eyes.
“Exuse me sir, do you know where is this?” she showed the paper to Jono.
“Oh, thanks my God, I am safe.” said Jono in his heart.
“Yeah… I am sorry, let me see it ‘Coffin and Cemetery’ Malioboro street 13, errr… oh there Madame, across the street you can see the shop from here.”
“Oooh… yes I see it, thank you. I’ve been looking that shop for an hour.”
“It’s nothing Madame.”
“You know sir, I planned to reserve a piece of land in cemetery and a coffin for myself, I don’t want to be cremated like a fish in this restaurant. So, I will die in peace if my day had come.”
The old women walked to cross the street. Jono called of his plan to steal the old woman’s wallet. He would feel very guilty, if he had stolen the wallet. Looking forward, he saw an old man with nice clothes walking. It seemed that he was a rich old man.
“This is my target, don’t fail.”
He walked slowly, followed the old man on the back. Quietly, he moved closer and closer. His hand tried to take the wallet in the old man’s pants pocket. When he had the wallet on his hand, suddenly…
“Pickpocket!!” someone screamed, and then everyone looked at Jono.
He was shocked. In a second, he put the wallet inside his shirt then run.
“Hey… you stop!!”
Many people shouted to Jono, Like a blind pig Jono run very fast. He pushed some people to clear his way.
“I’ll die, I’ll die…. Please help me God, they chase me. To the station, maybe I can hide there. Oh …..Damned!!! ”
He saw some police in front. Feeling worried, he crossed the street then run to the opposite direction.
“Oh mama, everyone in this town wants to catch me. No escape for me, no place to hide”
He runs in a high-speed, but something happened in front of the ‘Cemetery and Coffin’ shop.
“Die you thief.”
Someone, with a baseball stick, smacked Jono’s head strongly. The blood oozed from his head. Jono felt down on the ground.
“Dark… dark” cried Jono, then unmoved.
“He is died” some people begun to speak.
“That is my wallet, please take it for me!” the old man came closer.
Someone took the wallet from Jono’s body and gave it to the old man.
“Thank you, I need the money to reserve a piece of land in cemetery and a coffin from this shop.”
The crowd dispersed when the police arrived.

The Irian Fish


the Irian Fish
Human struggled to seek happiness sometimes found some obstacles. But occasionally happiness came without any obstacle. Every person in this world had different destiny, some people had bad luck and others people had good luck. However, the destiny could be change. Lets us see a river, the river flowed from mountain to the sea. It could be straight, or it could be turn onto left or right. As Abrohm saw the river, he knew that someday his destiny could change, just he, himself who can change the destiny. He was a factory worker and his wife, Seiroh, just worked as a laundress. Even though, both of them worked, they still needed some more money to pay their 10 years old son’s school fee and repair their broken old house. When he saw a fish swimming in the river, something came into his mind. In a hurry, he left the river behind his house and went inside to meet his wife.
“Seiroh … Seiroh, I have a good plan, a plan that will make our life change”
“What plan?”
“Do you know Mr. Abuloh?”
“Do you know how he became so rich, have a big house, cars…. Everything”
“He had a large pool with a lot of fish, err… Irian fish, our neighbor, Mr. Malikha works there”
“That is what I mean, you see our back yard is large enough and there is a river, and the water always flows, never stops”
“What will you do with that?”
“uhh … You so….! Listen, this is my plan; I will dig our back yard, so I am going to make a pool. I’ll do the same like Mr. Abuloh did”
“But, Do you know how to raise those Irian fish?”
“It doesn’t matter I’ll learn from Malikha”
Irian fish, new kind of fish from Irian, was always on Abrohm’s head. Alone, He went to Mr. Abuloh’s house to meet Mr. Malikha. He was Mr. Abuloh’s assistant, worked to raise the Irian fish. Abrohm wrote every detail about the fish, what was their favorite food, how to raise them, etc. After thinking that he got enough information from Mr. Malikha, Abrohm went home. Hoping became rich, everyday, after working he dug his back yard. The soil was solid because there were so many river rocks inside.
“I was told that the Irian fish ate everything and the fish had some big and sharp teeth, and the fish were able to eat a big sheep just in minutes”
“Yes, You are right, but I’ll fed our fishes with grass not sheep. Tell Iskha to come here”
“He is playing with his friends now”
In a week the pool was finished, ready to use. Abrohm bought little Irian Fishes. They raise the little fishes carefully. They fed the fishes regularly, and never late. Sometimes they gave the fishes a dead cat. It seemed those the Irian fishes prefer to eat meat rather than eat grass. The Irian fish similarly like Piranha from Amazon River, the sharp teeth, both liked to eat meat, and flocked together all the time. Conversely, the body was different. The Irian fish is bigger than the Piranha, and it also grew faster. The color was red, like a blood. The appearance of the fish looked very scary. On the other hand, many people liked to eat this kind of fish. Some people said that the fish was very delicious, more delicious than others kind of fish.
Two months latter the fishes had already big, and ready to be sold. Abrohm felt very satisfy with his work. He saw the fishes swimming in crowd. It was not useless he worked hard to fed the fishes.
“Look to them Iska, soon you will have your own bicycle, if someone buy our fish”
“Someone is coming dad”
“Come Iska” grabbed his son’s hand and went inside their house.
He was Mr. Abuloh, came with his luxury car.
“Good afternoon Mr. Abrohm”
“Good afternoon sir, please come. What make you came here sir?”
“I heard from my assistant, Mr. Malikha, about your Irian fishes”
“Yes, sir. They had already big, and I want to sell it”
“May I see the fish now?”
“Of course, this way sir”
Mr. Abuloh seemed very interested to Abrohm’s Fishes. He watched the fishes. There was something with them that made Mr. Abuloh wanted to buy them.
“How much do you want to sell?”
“About 1 million rupiah, it can be cut”
“I’ll send the money this afternoon, tomorrow morning my assistant will come here to dry the pool”
No bargaining, Abraham’s dream came true. One million rupiah was four times his salary in a month. After receiving the money, Abrohm immediately brought his family to eat in a luxury restaurant in town. They were very happy that night. That was the first time in their life eating in such an expensive restaurant. That night also, they bought a new cloth and a bicycle for Iskha.
“Mom, my stomach is hurt!”
“How many glass of ice cream you eat in restaurant?”
“I don’t know”
“Do you want to go to the back”
“What’s wrong Seiroh?”
“Iska ate to much in restaurant”
“To much…” he laughed.
In the morning Abrohm found something strange happened in his pool. The water turned to red and it stunk like a decaying fish. But the fishes were still there, swimming aggressively. His wife came toward him.
“Where is Iskha, he should have take a bath now”
“I don’t know. I haven’t see him this morning”
Sairoh walked to their neighbors. She looked for Iskha everywhere, but she never found him. She began to worry her only son. Sairoh went home. Meanwhile, Mr. Malikha and others workers had came to Abrohm’s house.
“Can we dried the pool now” asked Mr. Malikha.
“Yes, You may do it now”
“Lets work guys” He gave instruction to the others workers.
“What smell is it? Did you feed the fishes a sheep?”
“No I didn’t. It is unusual”
When the water begun to dry one of the workers saw something horrible on the bottom of the pool. He shouted to his boss.
“Mr. Malikha!! We found something here”
“Oh … God, My Lord….”
“My son Iskha…” Abrohm shocked.
On the bottom of the pool, lied Iskha’s skeleton among the Irian fishes, still wearing his new clothes, which was bought the night before.